A Secret Place
Right next to my heart
Far away beyond the reach
of thought or fantasy
encapsulated in a cave
down close to the sea.
A secret place I only know
and where I often go
to watch birds drift in the heavens
and feel the north wind blow.
Sunshine warms the daytime
blue shadows cool the dark
in a secret place of simplicity
right next to my heart.
I don’t need dreams to fly away
or feet to traipse the ground
it’s deep within my heart and soul
a secret place that I have found.
My secret side is sacrosanct
inviolate and secure
where I go to heal myself
my panacea and cure.
When I die, I’ll eclipse
and disappear from sight
my secret self will still survive
and drift throughout the night.
The soul is my persona
the secret caves my home
the great outdoors the freedom
a place my soul can roam.
David Rudder
21st October 2020
Thanks for reading.