A Shadow
Passed by my window.
A shadow passed by my window
Was it the total eclipse of the moon
A prescience unseen in Shinto
Or magical message in a Rune.
Was it the shadow of destiny
A presage and omen half hidden
Or a gift unseen sent to me
Of fruit that’s now forbidden.
Cool zephyrs joined the shadow
Soft as a feather on my face
Dew on the grass in a meadow
Whims and thoughts that interlace.
Drifting on a mysterious dream
Shadow’s turning mauve like heather
Collected and floating away downstream
A changing in the weather.
The eclipse fades and passes
New light brightens the surrounds
Transforming and surpassing
Emerging lustre knowing no bounds.
In the shadow of a lightning storm
Rolling thunder calls my name
Electrical waves renew and reform
Igniting my soul kindling the flame.
Shadows lengthen in the morn and eve
Night’s silky coat shadows the sky
Stay here with me and never leave
Till I kiss this day goodbye.
David Rudder
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