Blue Murder
When fear appears out of the blue
A scream never forgotten
a loud impassioned cry
when someone screams Blue Murder
and think that they will die.
Some may have agoraphobia
an acute fear and anxiety disorder
of wide-open spaces and the public
when the world is out of order.
It’s not a laughing matter
and what most consider normal
have people with anxiety conditions
feel the world is paranormal.
Different fears anxieties and phobias
affect more people than ever counted
and is scoffed and often stigmatised
though most have had it if recounted.
We walk upon the tightrope
and sometimes stand so near the edge
to latent fears we’re harbouring
and memories we sift and dredge.
From the archives of the mind
lost love and no tomorrows
hidden in our house safe in our cave
reflect on loss and other sorrows.
The silent scream we often feel
isn’t just from the meek and mild
but felt by the soldier on the front
when the gunfire’s thick and wild.
I know the feeling it haunts my mind
sheer willpower pulled me through
and feel deep empathy for those afflicted
when fear appears out of the blue.
David Rudder
31st August 2020
Thanks for reading.