Is the key.
Trip and fall and that’s not all,
Hurt and then get better,
We’re all in this together,
Let’s do it to the letter.
Let’s be kind and we will find,
Love opens like a flower,
Material doesn’t matter,
We all hold the power.
To listen to each other,
Connection is the key,
The easing of the ego,
It’s not all about me.
Talking on the telephone,
Good friends and family,
Passing on positivity,
Feeling we are free.
To give in the way we live,
And lend a helping hand,
Being a good neighbour,
Saving our precious land.
Being self-sufficient,
Using all resources,
We’ll all unite and delight,
In all joining forces.
Breathing in the morning air,
Going for a walk,
Being in touch with nature,
And not afraid to talk.
The signs are times have changed,
Let’s do things differently,
Open up our hearts,
To the Epiphany.
David Rudder
29th March 2020
Thanks for reading. Photo by author.