Misty Star
The light leaves with a sigh
Metaphoric whispers
free fall from the sky
perched upon the evening star
the light leaves with a sigh.
Venus the star of love
emits her cosmic glow
calling all together
beyond the ebb and flow.
The shadows gentle cover
holds secrets never told
the world is hushed by nighttime
the last ticket’s been sold.
Horizons blend with darkness
the moon is yet to rise
faint stars begin to sparkle
as blackness drapes the skies.
The evening star is peeping
then walks in through my door
into my mind and my soul
and my very core.
The quiet night cools and captures
the daytime noise and trill
gently reorganising
heat into the nighttime chill.
Metamorphic transformation
sparkles before my eyes
the evening star is calling
cloaked in her saintly guise.
Forget the faint tomorrows
or burnt out yesterdays
the evening star is lilting
in outer worldly ways.
David Rudder
14th June 2020
Thanks for reading.