Free From
I need a place to go to
For comfort and relief
A niche to seek more solace
And restore more self-belief.
A little tea and sympathy
Will go a country mile
A cheery chat some support
A laugh and breezy smile.
I need little to sustain me
Some good conversation will do
Salve to soothe the savage brow
Is basic tried and true.
I prefer to keep it simple
Different and diversified
And to maintain the interest
Both sweet and harmonised.
A trip into the country
In green fields far away
Where life is so simple
Forever and a day.
So, let’s talk consolation
Solace and harmony
A better way to do things
To liberate and to free.
The mind free from distractions
And to focus on the love
The answer and elixir
Love from up above.
David Rudder
Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.