Little things can mean so much
A word a touch or second
To recognise how valuable
A thought is felt and reckoned.
I know the smallest act of kindness
It fills me with great joy
Simply saying that I love you
Ever since I was a boy.
It’s easy to show goodwill
Lean down and smell a flower
To show the happiness I feel
And smile under a morning shower.
Time is short and love is long
Let’s not keep hidden feelings
Veiled behind unexpressed hurt
From inconsequential dealings.
Sometimes the sun hides away
Obscure behind the clouds
A blue day can turn to joy
Alone or amongst crowds.
It’s where my heart is sitting
It enjoys easy repose
Breathing the dewy flowers
In silent garden rows.
Or looking out across the trees
To sparkling morning sea
And visualise you are here
Standing, next to me.
Or a moment with an easel
Which colour will I use?
Little things mean a lot
Let’s miss the daily news.
Little things are valuable
It doesn’t take a lot
To find love and tranquillity
In a peaceful spot.
David Rudder
Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.