My Girl
The blast from the past.
She raced in like a SpaceX rocket
Much too fast to last
And in the breeze, exposed her knees
She arrived, my blast from the past.
She sizzled, and then she shimmered
Sailing in from cyberspace
Learned from the lips of Leonard
With a summer-tanned, smiling face.
Hello, I said, I think I know
Your name, but have lost your address
Give me a clue, is it, Peggy Sue
You have such aplomb and fine finesse.
Before too late, you then put me straight
It’s me, my god can’t you see
I’m blinded by the light sweet pea
I have a brain, the size of a flea.
We chattered and nattered, and not that it mattered
Learned new urban words, from her dictionary
I’m blinded by the light, I said
She said, never fear dear it’s me.
It was time for a plan, you must understand
There were rivers passed under the bridge
She’d been gone so long; there was a hell of a pong
When she opened the door of her fridge.
It was then time for supplication
Please, please I said from my knees
Let’s try out your bed, I timidly said
Atishoo dear, I’m going to sneeze.
The rest as they say is history
Happy endings are those that last
She arrived on a wing, a prayer, and a dare
My girl, the blast from the past.
David Rudder
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