Stored in boxes to be sorted
They stay hidden in the garage
though every now and then
I lift some into the living room
and try once more again.
Memories of yesteryear
stored in boxes to be sorted
thought of time to time
though most attempts aborted.
Memories come flooding back
some good and others grim
evocations fill my mind
some stark and others dim.
How I’ve aged and where I’ve been
of others dead and gone
a history there in photographs
hard to lay my eyes upon.
And then the hardest task of all
how to sort and where to start
to be objective and practical
or listen to my heart.
The task must be indefatigable
the photos chronologically arranged
but clues are faraway and in between
as my mind becomes deranged.
Photographs are a perennial problem
more so now they’re digital
what to keep throw or delete
can memories be kept clinical?
It usually starts with good intentions
then the task becomes insurmountable
photos scattered on the floor
hidden away and unaccountable.
The final chapters doubly hard
it’s usually left to others
after I’ve long gone and left no clues
who were friend’s family or brothers?
David Rudder
9th October 2020
Thanks for reading.