I’m going through a purple patch
No need to be concerned
There’s no specialist required
Come too close, you might be burned
That may not be a bad thing
What I’m referring to
Is an unexpected spate of good luck
That’s appeared out of the blue
I haven’t won the jackpot
Or was remembered in a will
It’s much more of a lucky feeling
And no, I didn’t take a pill
It feels like the ground is moving
And there’s music in my ears
No, that’s not a bad second guess
I’ve abstained from beverages and beers
For the third try, you’re getting closer
But no, I haven’t fallen in love
It’s just a little different
And none of the above
I’ll now reveal my secret
I’ve hinted that it’s good luck
I didn’t ask you to guess again
No, I didn’t pluck a duck
The secret is the Midas touch
All I’ve touched has turned to gold
And even though it’s intangible
It’s beautiful to behold
The evening turned into a purple patch
The sky smudged in golden paint
I hold a purple painting in my hand
And feel there’s no restraint.
David Rudder
Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.