Seeing Storms of Starlight
Drifting in the sky
Seeing storms of starlight,
drifting in the sky,
in the darkness of the night,
my mind says, my oh my.
Are there extra-terrestrials,
somewhere out there in space,
written on computer spiels,
like the human race.
In awe I often wonder,
and when I’m at the land,
like lightning and thunder,
stars form in a band.
Up above the Milky-Way,
our nearest galaxy,
words I don’t know how to say,
form a starlit canopy.
Shooting stars and satellites,
the night song of a bird,
far away from city lights,
hardly a whisper can be heard.
It has a magic quality,
and infuses my soul,
senses of equality,
somehow make me whole.
Earthly thoughts and worries,
scatter into mist,
in turbulence and flurries,
is there something I have missed?
My mind is changed forever,
a metamorphosis,
in the never, never,
the universe is kissed.
Copyright reserved
David Rudder
December 2019
Thanks for reading.