The common ground.
Is it just the distance?
That’s keeping us apart
Or some undisclosed issues
Kept within the heart.
Is love too deep to fathom
And is the risk too great
To open to another
Before it is too late.
The answers are intuition
Sensing the common ground
A place for new beginnings
And a kindred spirit found.
New love is an enigma
Puzzle eons-old
Not addressed in any manual
Nor known but often told.
By scribes, poets, and bards
In writing verse and song
About the happiness of love
And often what goes wrong.
The blues poignant twelve-bar
Moans and throbs lost love laments
And what’s done, done when things go wrong
And other discontents.
Hands stretched across the distance
Join and fingers then entwine
The filling of the loving cup
Falling from the vine.
The distance that now separates us
It may well be metaphorical
And the words that join us up
Told in rhymes seems deeply allegorical.
David Rudder
Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.