Soulful Scenes
Seen in dreams.
In dreams, I sit beside the shore,
And while the day away,
Captured in a daydream,
Away from the affray.
Dreams of an idyll,
Spent near the sparkling sea,
Or capturing a sunbeam,
Underneath a tree.
Living a life free of strife,
The lighting in our lives,
A long and lazy picnic,
A place where love derives.
In the peace of ancient Greece,
An island or a Bay,
A short and sweet siesta,
With little left to say.
Then drink the cup of passion,
To taste the pure delights,
Hand in hand on the sand,
The scent of summer nights.
Kissed by bliss and empathy,
The care we dare to share,
The only unity,
The sunlight in your hair.
So, my love the push and shove,
And chaos melts away,
Drifting past a sunset,
Into another day.
Soulful scenes seen in dreams,
Parts and parcels too,
Nothing is quite as it seems,
Each word is for you.
© David Rudder
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