The Cloak You Wear
Your mysterious silhouette.
I wonder which cloak you’ll be wearing
When you dance through my dreams tonight
How many veils will you wear to disguise?
Your fleeting unimaginable flight.
The masks you wear are enshrouded
By mists and mantilla shrouds
Made transparent by beams of moonlight
Sparkling and melting the mantle of clouds.
Disappearing, from view in dewdrops
Gently dropping to earth in free fall
Clinging to your skin and dampening
Your cloak and your gossamer shawl.
Like a ghost, you’re sucked up by the sunlight
And drift through the sky in flight
Your enigmatic smile lightens the morn
Your kiss is bliss and pure delight.
You then you float away in the evening
Your golden hair shimmers in the sunset
Then you merge into the nighttime
In your mysterious silhouette.
The camouflages you wear enthral me
Like the seasons you change and move on
And the veils that you wear stream in ribbons
As you glide in the mist transform into a swan.
When you’re gone you then return?
In a new guise, you reappear
And pass across my dreams at night
Then float away and disappear.
I often call your name and then listen
Your answer flies in on the breeze
The leaves can hear your whispered reply
Then in silhouette, you suddenly freeze.
David Rudder
Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.