The Ways You Play
With my mind.
In the woods, I hear you whisper
You move in on the ocean breeze
The ways you play with my mind
And rustle through the trees.
Recalled and then conjoined
From another time and place
Reverberations haunt me
A distant memory traces.
Is it an enchantment
A chant with rhythm lost
Seeping through my senses
A bridge I haven’t crossed?
Where do they come from
I’ve never worked that out
They enter without bidding
And fill my heart with doubt?
It feels like a possession.
Trapped inside the mire
Where elements are evident
A wreath of air and fire.
I rarely see it coming.
And I don’t know it by name
When it descends upon me
From another lane.
Some call it depression.
It has uncanny moods.
With no known vanishing point
And rarely does it conclude.
It walks off with a whisper.
Into another incantation
The chant continues
Like a magic intonation.
I don’t know if it will disappear
Or know when it will go
answers prance in the wind
It’s not for me to know.
David Rudder
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