Of sylvan charm.
Deep, lush green grasses
Verdant leafy trees
Spied through shaded glasses
Bowing in the breeze.
Spring and early mornings
Dewdrops kiss the green
Subtle pastoral yearnings
Add richness to the scene.
Vistas of sylvan charm
Arcadian paradise
A tree-enshrouded river
The blue moon is on the rise.
Rolling hills reaching
Out to the far horizon
Rural landscapes breathing
A new day to seize upon.
Sight follows the contours
From ridges to deep valleys
Senses join magical tours
Through mind-expanding alleys.
The verdant lush fields
Form tapestries of rich greens
Opulent bounteous yields
Magnify the rural scenes.
Peace and perfect harmony
And smoothing of the senses
Perceived from the nature balcony
Pure paragons with no pretences.
David Rudder
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