You Are My Imagination
Where were you when I arrived
Or did I come too soon?
Our rendezvous under the stars
To see the blood-red moon.
You are my imagination
One slip and I might fall
I need my instincts
More than anything at all.
I live alone most of the time
My best friend is myself
I’ve worked prayed and existed
My presence is my wealth.
Love me if you love yourself
Beware I have a bite
I mostly inflict upon myself
Morning noon or night.
When gone I never disappear
I leave memories behind
Some are good some are bad
Others leave you in a bind.
I know by instinct
Where to walk with impunity
And places to be careful
When it appears there’s unity.
You know me better than I do
My mirror shows the face
Of just one more flawed member
Of the human race.
David Rudder
Thank you for reading this piece and my poetry.